Monday, October 27th, 2014being a yoga teacher and student, everything to me translates into yoga. Either what to teach, a theme, or the discovery of a whole new way to say something. I can be inspired by anything. it could be how my dog lets out a big exhale and then relaxes into the couch or a walk on the beach listening to waves and hearing the ocean breathe.
Or, I can trick myself sometimes and pretend cleaning my house is a yoga practice. I’ll just clean the kitchen till it sparkles, and then go to bed. Savasana.
So while I go from my yoga mat to my computer and back into the kitchen and back to my yoga mat I have decided to do two things. Do the shoulder stand that I set up for myself one hour ago and then I will do the kitchenasana.
The problem that I am having is while my mat is waiting the computer grabbed me to explore the writings of another well respected senior yoga teacher I knew in Australia. Her writings have made me face an unfamiliar reality that we all have to grow up and face the imperfections of our bodies evolution. Another practice of yoga that develops flexibility and strength of character.
So I will be boomeranging back to my mat now to complete my fragmented practice for tonight and then attack my kitchen and make it shiny bright. That will be an easy fix. Like the pose, I will congratulate myself when I am done. But, this maturing and accepting something that I may not be able to change just makes my feathers ruffle
This is the intrigue of yoga. On all levels all is yoga to me and the teaching and the practice never ends. I am always given one more pose to practice without an argument…sooner or later.